Trademark Fees

  • Basic federal trademark study: $90 per class
  • Extensive trademark study (federal, state and common law): $270 for the first class, plus $100 for each additional class
  • Filing a trademark application: $200 to file a trademark application in one class, plus $100 for each additional class
  • Filing a specimen of use: $100 per class
  • Request for an extension of time: $100 per class
  • 5 year Section 8 filing: $100 per class
  • Trademark renewal: $200 for 1 class, plus $100 for each additional class
  • Trademark Assignments: $100
  • Trademark Watch: $120 per mark, per class, per year
  • Response to an Office Action: $100
  • Notice of Oposition: $500
  • Petition for Cancellation: $500
  • Answer to a Notice of Opposition or Petition for Cancellation: $300

*Fees are subject to change and do not include filing fees to the Trademark Office

International Trademark Fees

Have a mark you want to register? Fill out this form!
