Trademark Request Form Your Name (required) Your Email (required) What is the mark you wish to register? If the mark is a logo please include a drawing of the logo (in pure black and white if you do not wish to claim color as part of the mark; in color if you do wish to claim the colors as part of the mark). What are the goods/services associated with the mark? Are you currently using the mark in business? If so, on what date did you first use the mark in business in the United States? Is there a trademark application or registration filed for this mark in any other country? Please provide the name and address of the owner of the mark. If the owner is an individual, of what country is he/she a citizen? If the owner is a company, what type of entity is it (partnership, corporation, limited liability company, etc.) and in what state or country is it established? If the contact person is different from the owner of the mark, please let us know the name of the contact person and their relationship to the owner of the mark.