The staff of Furr Law Firm will be happy to discuss your Intellectual Property needs with you and counsel you in regards to obtaining the best protection for your Intellectual Property. In addition to preparing and filing trademark, patent, and copyright applications, we also offer trademark and patent searches, Intellectual Property rights enforcement services, trademark watch services, trademark and patent maintenance services, and PCT filings–both national and international.
In addition to Intellectual Property work, we also offer Internet Law, Licensing, Terms of Services, Business Formations, Computer Law, and Contract Law services.
Our fees are determined by a variety of factors, starting with the type of services being offered. Fees are typically handled on an “hourly basis” or for a “flat fee”. Hourly fees are charges based upon the number of hours required to perform the service, whereas a flat fee is one where the cost of the service is a specified amount, regardless of the time or effort.
Nothing herein is intended to be construed as legal advice. Legal advice depends upon particular facts and circumstances. For legal advice, consult an attorney. All information is believed to be accurate, but no guarantees are made. Information is subject to change without notice.
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)